exceptboiling waterand pus (i.e., wound discharges)
Except scalding water and purulence,
only burning despair and ice-cold darkness
Save boiling water and a paralysing cold
Save a boiling fluid and a fluid, dark, murky, intensely cold
except boiling water and ˹oozing˺ pus—
except for boiling water and sizzling pus.
save boiling water and a stinking flui
But boiling and intensely cold water
but scalding water and filth,
except hot bathwater and slops,
except boiling water and pus (dirty wound discharges):
save boiling liquid and a cold, murky fluid
Except boiling water and freezing cold hail.
Except boiling water, and freezing hail
except boiling water and a dark, murky, stinhead of state liquid —
except scalding water and decaying filth
Except scalding water and (overflowing) pus
except boiling water and pus
except boiling water and pus
Only burning anguish and ice-cold darkness. (38:37)
(They will drink) only boiling-hot water, and pus (from wounds)
Save a boiling fluid and a fluid, dark, grim, bitterly cold—
Except scalding water and [foul] purulence
Except that which is boiling and dark.
except one that is scalding and dark––
Save scalding water and corruption
Except boiling water and benumbing cold
except for boiling water and scalding pus
Except boiling water and pus
except boiling water and pu
But boiling and intensely cold water
except boiling water and pus.
Except a boiling fluid, and a fluid dark, murky, intensely cold
except boiling water and a dark foul fluid;
save boiling water and wash of the wounds
Except that which is boiling and dark.
But boiling water and a pus-like thing
But boiling water and a burning yellow liquid of the people of Hell.
Only an inferno, and bitter food
except boiling water and pu
But boiling and intensely cold water
Except hot water/sweat and decayed/rotten
The only thing that they will taste is a boiling drink and a dark murky extremely cold fluid
Except hot boiling water and hot pus discharged from the people of hell
Save boiling water and a stinking fluid, intensely cold
Except boiling water and suppurated fluid oozing (from the wounds of the inmates of Hell)
All that they shall have will be boiling water or stinking fluid as a recompense
Except boiling water, and dirty wound discharges
save boiling water and pu
except boiling water, and filthy corruption
but only boiling water and pus;
Save boiling water and running sores
save scalding water and decaying filth
Except boiling water and puss.
Except scalding water and purulence:
Except boiling water and freezing liquid.
…except scalding water, and paralyzing cold [like freezer burn].
except scalding water and purulence—
except hot bathwater and slops,
Except scalding water, and purulence.
except boiling fluid and decaying filth:
Only boiling water and pus!
"except boiling water and filthy fluids [such as the sweat, tear, and pus of the people of Hell]:"
Except a boiling fluid and pu
But only boiling water and their rotten discharges for doing their worst
except boiling water and pus*, * Dirty liquid that oozes out of wounds.
Except hot water and pus;
Save a boiling fluid and a fluid, dark, murky, intensely cold
Except scalding water and purulence
Illahameeman waghassaqan
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